Your Support Saved Olive’s Life


At 3 weeks old, Olive was transferred to San Diego Humane Society from another shelter so she could receive lifesaving care from our nursery, foster and medical teams.

In addition to the around-the-clock care required by every neonate kitten her age, Olive had additional special needs.

One of her legs hadn’t developed properly, and the bone was bent completely backward. Attempting to walk left her with pressure sores that became infected. This sweet kitten was in a great deal of pain, but we were committed to giving her the happy, healthy life she deserved.

Performing an amputation was the only way to give her a pain-free life. Our medical team performed the successful surgery at our Pilar & Chuck Bahde Center for Shelter Medicine—and within hours, she was back to her bouncy, happy self. Still, she had some recovery to do in a loving foster home before being ready for her new life.

Olive with a vet medical team member

At her next checkup, she was healing beautifully. Just over a week after surgery, she was adopted into a loving home. Lifesaving care like Olive’s is only possible with your support—thank you.